Global Child

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GlobalChild is an international child rights monitoring project, coordinated by the University of Victoria, Canada and operating under the auspices of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Its aim is to develop indicators and an electronic platform that will assist to the systematic monitoring of the implementation of the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in all member states. George Moschos, the first Children’s Ombudsman of Greece, with a long experience of participation in the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC), is a member of its Steering Committee.


Within the framework of GlobalChild, almost 2.000 children aged 11-17 participated in consultation workshops organised in 52 centers / 35 countries across the 5 regions of the world. This activity was called Global Child Rights Dialogue (GCRD) and aimed at listening and recording the opinion of children on the project objectives. 

InArt12 participated in GCRD and organized and coordinated two consultation workshops with children in Greece (in Athens and Thessaloniki), titled Zoom in on Children’s Rights, in collaboration with public and civil society organisations (Centre for Social Welfare of Attica, SOS Children's Villages, ARSIS Association for the Social Support of Youth, ActionAid Hellas, SCHEDIA Centre for Artistic and Pedagogical Training, Network for Children's Rights). The workshops "Zoom in on Children's Rights" have been approved by the Institute of Educational Policy and the Ministry of Education, as an optional educational activity for secondary school students.

The consultation workshops were organised with the help of the Centre for Children's Rights at Queen University of Belfast, which has developed a relevant tool for those who coordinated and facilitated the workshops. InArt12 has developed further methodology for the workshops, based on the experience and expertise of its founding members.

InArt12 collaborated with a group of experts for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the "Zoom in on Children's Rights" consultation workshops. The group consisted of: Sofia Konstantelia, social worker / president of the Centre for Social Welfare of Attica, Pavlos Haramis, educationalist / vice president of the Institute of Educational Policy, Pari Zagoura, jurist - criminologist, juvenile probation officer, Dr. Alexandra Vassiliou, social psychologist - processworker / co-founder of Processwork Hub, Dr. Eleni Petridou, pediatrician - professor of preventive medicine and epidimiology / president of the Helenic Society for Social Pediatrics and Health Promotion, Stella Tsitoura, pediatrician / vice president of the Network for Children's Rights.   

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