"VRESTA kai PARTA! Know and own your rights!": online game - treasure hunt

Thisavros 01.02.21.site

 The poster of the game has used the graffitti artwork "Behind The Curtain" by Martin Whatson

(You can read the detailed news about the implementation of the game  here -in Greek-)


During the second pandemic lockdown in Greece, in March and April 2021, INART12 has organised an online group game - treasure hunt for school students born between 2004 and 2008. Its title was "VRESTA kai PARTA!", translated to english: "FIND and GET them!" and its subtitle "Know and own your rights". Around 150 students from 8 different cities participated in it, including also deaf children and unaccompanied refugees.

The game consisted of 12 missions / challenges related to 12 different groups of children's rights, as enshrined in UNCRC. The missions included surveys, interviews, quizzes, recordings, creation of memes, compositions, videos, songs, photographs, drawings and short stories. The kids had the opportunity to work in their own teams as well as to work together with teams from other cities. They also exchanged epxeriences and ideas in 2 online meetings and communicated with the coordinators of the game, a popular actress, a novel writer and specialists in children's rights' fields, including university professors, a prosecutor for juveniles, a lawyer specialising in children's cases, a social worker who was in charge in a public care institution and a psychologist specialised in interviews with child victims.

All 38 teams that finished the game were considered to be winners and received presents and souvenirs. The 2 teams that were awarded the most stars for their works, by a jury that included students as well as professionals working with children, were given the opportunity to participate in a creative workshop that took place during the summer in a resort near Olympus mountain.

The game was an idea of the Youth Teams of INART12 in Athens and Thessaloniki, called "Fresh Teams", consisting of young persons aged 15-25. They participated in the committee coordinating the game and they were involved in producing the video spots to advertise it.

You can watch the spots here:  Κostas - Νefeli



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